How to welcome visitors back to your workplace, safely with e-Reception Book.

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As we come towards the end of 2020, many businesses are beginning to ease back into physical workspaces. Visitors, contractors & staff will be returning, with the new emphasis to return safely.

The e-Reception Book is the digital alternative to the paper-based visitor & staff check-in books. Create a professional first impression & welcome back your visitors, safely with a visitor management system.

Contactless Check-In for Visitors & Staff

As workplaces started re-evaluating processes to make their workplace safer for visitors & staff to return, the idea of “touch-less” grew popularity within other sectors e.g hospitality and so “contactless check-in” was introduced to the visitor management space.

Contactless check-in by e-Reception Book allows visitors & staff to check-in to your workplace using their personal smartphone, simply by scanning the QR code displayed on the iPad screen. Contactless check-in fully supports the emphasis of returning to work, safely. Limiting surface contact can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and potential future outbreaks in the workplace.

Click here to request further information on how you can introduce a contactless check-in process at your workplace.

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Custom Fields.

Due to current circumstances, COVID-19 health questionnaires are now being used within all industries in all types of organisations for both visitors & staff. The e-Reception Book eliminates the need to use paper-based questionnaire forms.

Using custom fields, it’s simple to create health questionnaires and there’s no limit to the number of questions you can ask. Questions are created via the dashboard and displayed on the iPad, contactless mobile check-in, and our companion application.

Learn how to set up custom fields on our help center article here.


GDPR Compliant.

How many individuals reading this would admit to looking at who’s signed in before them on the visitor book when visiting a workplace? Paper-based check-in books can make it very difficult to keep visitor data private & confidential. e-Reception Book allows you to have an accurate record of visitor data without compromising their privacy.

If you’re complying with GDPR, you should be able to erase data easily upon request. With visitor books, it may take time to find the individual’s data, and in order to erase their data, you may have to erase others too if it’s on the same page. However, when using e-Reception Book, you have the ability to permanently delete records via ‘history’, upon request.

Replace your paper visitor books and start a FREE 14-day trial here.

NHS Test & Trace Capture.

The UK is currently experiencing a public health emergency as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It is therefore critical that organisations take a range of measures to keep everyone safe.

NHS Test and Trace is a key part of the country’s ongoing COVID-19 response. If you can rapidly detect people who have recently come into close contact with a new COVID-19 case, the NHS can take swift action to minimise transmission of the virus. There is a key emphasis in maintaining records of staff, customers, and visitors.

By displaying your official NHS QR poster on the e-Reception Book, you will help NHS Test and Trace to identify and notify people who may have been exposed to the virus. Learn more here.


Building Capacity Mode.

As businesses operate to ensure close contact is avoided as much as possible, 000’s of workplaces are considering who needs to be in the building and how many at a single time. As a result of this, many workplaces are opening with reduced capacity.

Our building capacity mode feature allows you to set a building capacity number for your site. The total number of visitors and staff will be counted and checked against your assigned capacity total. The system will automatically notify employees, who are set up to receive generated notifications by email. At 90% and 100% capacity, the email will be sent to update you.

Click here to learn how to set up max occupancy at your workplace.

Request Further Information

Submit your details below to learn how we can help your workplace get ready to welcome back visitors, staff and contractors, safely. The e-Reception Book is trusted by 000’s of workplaces during COVID-19.